london property uk expats

Expat Wanting to Buy a Property in the UK?

Expat Wanting to Buy a Property in the UK?

Who needs an expat mortgage and what are the typical reasons?

Britons living abroad, either temporarily or permanently. Expats will need to obtain a mortgage from a lender that has chosen to lend to expats.

Typically, expats are looking to invest in buy-to-let property whilst living overseas. As such perhaps to provide an income in retirement or even to live in upon their return. 

Whilst fluctuating exchange rates can, at times, provide a good opportunity for investors, it is also true to say that many expats earn better salaries abroad. Often much more than they would do here in the UK. A lower cost of living means they have more disposable income and want to invest in UK property.

As an expat you will be aware there are not manty other countries in the world that offer such potentially good long term returns on property as the UK does.

Aside from investors, enquiries from individuals looking to buy properties for their families to live in. They are frequently where children are involved, and the preference is for them to be schooled in the UK.

Selecting a mortgage to suit your needs.

Securing an expat mortgage doesn’t have to be difficult. It is always recommended to get expert professional help. Using a specialist expat broker will without doubt give you the edge as they will be experienced in this type of mortgage process.

Can we help?

If you are looking for an expat new or re-mortgage, please do make contact. One of our fully qualified independent advisers will be happy to assist.