uk expat mortgages homes

Lower Rates for Expat Mortgages

Lower Rates For Expat Mortgages.

Fixing the rate cheaper than betting against rate rises?

Fixed rate expat mortgages are now proving to be better value than the tracker type plans. Particularly for lower loan-to-value borrowers are lower rates for expat mortgages. Low loan-to-value mortgages are now proving better value than their tracker equivalents at 2-, 3- and 5-year periods.

Even for fixed rate higher loan-to-value mortgages, the current cost of borrowing is only marginally higher than tracker products. Fixed rate plans are without doubt becoming more popular especially with the investor with multiple properties.

The lowest interest rate mortgages and lowest fees have been reserved for low loan to value ratios.

Note, usually the larger the deposit you have the better the deal, but there are still some very good deals available for expats with smaller deposits.

Due to the range of products available and your current/future plans it is important to get professional independent advice.

Buy-to-let as an investment rising rapidly in 2024

Lenders are expecting more activity in the expat buy-to-let market in 2024.  And beyond as expats want security in UK property.

A recent survey stated 80% of expat lenders expected demand to grow over the coming months. All the early signs this year show they are correct as demand is up 27% on the same period last year.

Expat mortgage providers are keen to point out that there are good deals in the marketplace both fixed and variable rates.

Need assistance with your expat mortgages?

Our professional independent expat advisers are very experienced in dealing with all types of expat buy-to-let mortgages both single and multiple. We have access to a good range of plans and would be happy to discuss your requirements. Contact Us at Expat Mortgages to find out more.