yacht crew expat mortgages

Surge in Expat Mortgages

This financial year has seen more new expat mortgage business being conducted than this time last year and applications are still rising as the year progresses.
Mortgage rates are at last are levelling out fuelling the increase in business being done in all sectors of the mortgage market. Even with the recent base rate rise there are still excellent deals to be had.
January has seen a record number of re-mortgages as clients look to release equity built up over the years within their properties.
The released equity is being used for assorted reasons, including expensive debt consolidation. Expats are also re-mortgaging to fix the rate of their loan over a longer term as more base rate increases are likely.
Confidence is sky high within the expat community at present especially with those who own a property in the UK. This is due to the ever-increasing property prices.
If you are considering taking out a mortgage or re-mortgaging, please call us and one of our advisers will be happy to assist.
UK property prices increasing
According to the latest figures house prices are on the rise again, January and February saw good growth although not like years gone by but still very encouraging.
It is expected that house price increases will level out over the next year with a steady but reliable growth rate, again spelling good news all round.
So, at present the outlook for 2023 is very positive indeed, the signs are this will continue for the foreseeable future.
Can we help?
As expat mortgage specialists we offer a much-valued service to our clients, so please make contact if we can assist you.